Some case studies
An RAF flyer recently wrote "I would like to thank you all for your help over these past few years as my public skills have developed exponentially and only last week ..... I was in America for a coalition exercise and had to brief Americans, Canadians and Australians, which without going to the club for the last few years would have been impossible."
A young man, still at school, wanted to be a barrister but had difficulty speaking clearly. He joined our club. Guess what? He has now made the law his career.
This lad's mother came along too. A bit diffident at first she is now one of the best evaluators in the club and always delivers thought provoking speeches.
A young lady student was on a course which required her to make several presentations about which she was very nervous. She joined the club and before every presentation rehearsed it with us. Not only did we learn about things we had no experience of, she passed her course with flying colours.
A Chief Executive, already a confident speaker, had each year to make an important speech at his organisation's flagship event to an audience ranging from school children to royalty. Using the valuable feedback from members he was able to hone his speech to fit to the time and appeal across the age range.
A South African accountant whose native tongue was Afrikaans was on secondment to Britain and wanted to improve his English language skills for presentations to clients. He steadily progressed and even became president for a year.
A former councillor and very experienced speaker just enjoys talking - which is wonderful because he never fails to have us laughing whenever he gives speech.
They all joined Newark Speakers - Why don't YOU?